View Javadoc
1   /******************************************************************************
2    * - Implement the Dao interface for the Account bean
3    * $Id:,v 2015/04/28 07:02:29 dick Exp $
4    * 
5    * BSAccountMan - BuckoSoft Web Account Manager 
6    * Copyright(c) 2007 - Dick Balaska and BuckoSoft, Corp.
7    * 
8    */
9   package com.buckosoft.BSAccountMan.db.jdbc;
11  import java.sql.ResultSet;
12  import java.sql.SQLException;
13  import java.sql.Types;
15  import javax.sql.DataSource;
17  import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
18  import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;
19  import org.springframework.jdbc.object.MappingSqlQuery;
20  import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlFunction;
21  import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate;
23  import com.buckosoft.BSAccount.domain.BSAccount;
24  import com.buckosoft.BSAccountMan.db.AccountDao;
25  import com.buckosoft.BSAccountMan.db.DbType;
27  /** Implement the AccountDao as a Spring bean
28   * @author dick
29   *
30   */
31  public class AccountDaoJdbc extends JdbcBaseClass implements AccountDao {
33  	public BSAccount getAccount(String username) throws DataAccessException {
34  		if (sql_getAccountQUERYr == null)
35  			sql_getAccountQUERYr = new AccountsQuery(ds, username);
36  		if (DEBUG)
37"Getting account '" + username + "'");
38          //AccountsQuery pq = new AccountsQuery(ds, username);
39          return (BSAccount)sql_getAccountQUERYr.findObject(username);
40  	}
41      private	AccountsQuery	sql_getAccountQUERYr;
43  	public BSAccount getAccount(int userid) throws DataAccessException {
44  		if (sql_getAccountQUERYint == null)
45  			sql_getAccountQUERYint = new AccountsQuery(ds, userid);
46  		if (DEBUG)
47"Getting account by id'" + userid + "'");
48          //AccountsQuery pq = new AccountsQuery(ds, username);
49          return (BSAccount)sql_getAccountQUERYint.findObject(new Object[] {new Integer(userid)});
50  	}
51      private	AccountsQuery	sql_getAccountQUERYint;
54  	/* (non-Javadoc)
55  	 * @see com.buckosoft.BSAccountMan.db.AccountDao#getAccountByToken(int)
56  	 */
57  	@Override
58  	public BSAccount getAccountByToken(int token) {
59  		if (sql_getAccountQUERYtoken == null)
60  			sql_getAccountQUERYtoken = new AccountsQuery(ds, token, token);
61  		if (DEBUG)
62"Getting account by token '" + token + "'");
63          //AccountsQuery pq = new AccountsQuery(ds, username);
64          return (BSAccount)sql_getAccountQUERYtoken.findObject(new Object[] {new Integer(token)});
65  	}
66      private	AccountsQuery	sql_getAccountQUERYtoken;
68  	public BSAccount getAccountByEmail(String email) throws DataAccessException {
69  		if (sql_getAccountQUERYemail == null)
70  			sql_getAccountQUERYemail = new AccountsQuery(ds, 1, email);
71  		if (DEBUG)
72"Getting account '" + email + "'");
73          //AccountsQuery pq = new AccountsQuery(ds, username);
74          return (BSAccount)sql_getAccountQUERYemail.findObject(email);
75  	}
76      private	AccountsQuery	sql_getAccountQUERYemail;
78      private	AccountsQuery	sql_getAccountQUERYup;
79  	public BSAccount getAccount(String username, String password) throws DataAccessException {
80  		if (sql_getAccountQUERYup == null)
81  			sql_getAccountQUERYup = new AccountsQuery(ds, username, password);
82  		if (DEBUG)
83"Getting account '" + username + "'");
84          //AccountsQuery pq = new AccountsQuery(ds, username);
85          return (BSAccount)sql_getAccountQUERYup.findObject(new Object[] {username, password});
86  	}
88  	public void insertAccount(BSAccount account) throws DataAccessException {
89  		AccountInsert ai = new AccountInsert(ds);
90  		ai.insert(account);
91  	}
93  	public void updateAccount(BSAccount account) throws DataAccessException {
94  		AccountUpdate au = new AccountUpdate(ds);
95  		au.update(account);
96  	}
98  	public void updateAccountPassword(BSAccount account, String newPassword) throws DataAccessException {
99  		AccountPasswordUpdate apu = new AccountPasswordUpdate(ds);
100 		if (DEBUG)
101"UpdateAccountPassword: " + account.getUsername() + " : " + newPassword);
102 		apu.update(account.getUsername(), newPassword);
103 	}
105 	@Override
106 	public int getUserCount() {
107 		if (sql_getAccountCountCOUNTr == null)
108 			sql_getAccountCountCOUNTr = new AccountCount(ds);
109 		if (DEBUG)
111 		return(;
112 	}
113 	private AccountCount	sql_getAccountCountCOUNTr;
116 	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
117 	class AccountsQuery extends MappingSqlQuery<Object> {
119 		AccountsQuery(DataSource ds) {
120 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
121 					? "SELECT * from accounts"
122 					: "SELECT * from \"accounts\"");
123             compile();
124         }
126 		AccountsQuery(DataSource ds, String userid) {
127 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
128 					? "SELECT * from accounts where username = ?"
129 					: "SELECT * from \"accounts\" where \"username\" = ?");
130             declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
131             compile();
132         }
134 		AccountsQuery(DataSource ds, int userid) {
135 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
136 					? "SELECT * from accounts where userid = ?"
137 					: "SELECT * from \"accounts\" where \"userid\" = ?");
138             declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.INTEGER));
139             compile();
140         }
142 		AccountsQuery(DataSource ds, int token, int unused) {
143 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
144 					? "SELECT * from accounts where registerToken = ?"
145 					: "SELECT * from \"accounts\" where \"registerToken\" = ?");
146             declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.INTEGER));
147             compile();
148         }
150 		AccountsQuery(DataSource ds, String userid, String password) {
151 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
152 					? "SELECT * from accounts where username = ? AND password = PASSWORD(?)"
153 					: "SELECT * from \"accounts\" where \"username\" = ? AND \"password\" = ?");
154             declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
155             declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.CHAR));
156             compile();
157         }
159 		AccountsQuery(DataSource ds, int unused, String userid) {
160 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
161 					? "SELECT * from accounts where email = ?"
162 					: "SELECT * from \"accounts\" where \"email\" = ?");
163             declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
164             compile();
165         }
167         protected Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
168             BSAccount a = new BSAccount();
169             a.setUsername(rs.getString("username"));
170             a.setUserId(rs.getInt("userid"));
171             //a.setPassword(rs.getString("password"));
172             a.setEmail(rs.getString("email"));
173             a.setWebPage(rs.getString("webPage"));
174             a.setFirstName(rs.getString("firstName"));
175             a.setLastName(rs.getString("lastName"));
176             a.setStatus(rs.getString("status"));
177             a.setAddress1(rs.getString("addr1"));
178             a.setAddress2(rs.getString("addr2"));
179             a.setCity(rs.getString("city"));
180             a.setState(rs.getString("state"));
181             a.setZip(rs.getString("zip"));
182             a.setCountry(rs.getString("country"));
183             a.setPhone(rs.getString("phone"));
184             a.setRegisterToken(rs.getInt("registerToken"));
185             a.setLastAccess(rs.getTimestamp("lastAccess"));
186             a.setRegisterDate(rs.getTimestamp("registerDate"));
187             String	s = rs.getString("password");
188             a.setHasPassword(false);
189             if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
190             	a.setHasPassword(true);
191             return a;
192         }
193 	}
194 	/**
195 	 * <code>Owner</code> Insert Object.
196 	 */
197 	protected class AccountInsert extends SqlUpdate {
199 		/**
200 		 * Create a new instance of OwnerInsert.
201 		 * @param ds the DataSource to use for the insert
202 		 */
203 		protected AccountInsert(DataSource ds) {
204 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
205 					? "INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?)"
206 					: "INSERT INTO \"accounts\" VALUES(?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?)");
207 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
208 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.INTEGER));
209 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
210 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
211 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
212 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
213 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
214 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
215 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
216 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
217 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
218 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
219 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
220 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
221 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
222 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.INTEGER));
223 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.TIMESTAMP));
224 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.TIMESTAMP));
225 			compile();
226 		}
228 		protected void insert(BSAccount a) {
229 			Object[] objs = new Object[] {
230 				a.getUsername(), null, null, a.getEmail(), a.getWebPage(),
231 				a.getFirstName(), a.getLastName(), a.getStatus(),	
232 				a.getAddress1(), a.getAddress2(), 
233 				a.getCity(), a.getState(), a.getZip(), a.getCountry(), 
234 				a.getPhone(), new Integer(a.getRegisterToken()),
235 				a.getLastAccess(), a.getRegisterDate(),
236 			};
237 			super.update(objs);
238 			// retrieveIdentity(owner);
239 		}
240 	}
243 	/**
244 	 * <code>Account</code> Update Object.
245 	 */
246 	protected class AccountUpdate extends SqlUpdate {
248 		/**
249 		 * Create a new instance of OwnerUpdate.
250 		 * @param ds the DataSource to use for the update
251 		 */
252 		protected AccountUpdate(DataSource ds) {
253 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
254 					? "UPDATE accounts SET email=?, webPage=?, firstName=?, lastName=?, status=?, addr1=?, addr2=?, city=?, state=?, zip=?,country=?, phone=?, registerToken=?, lastAccess=? WHERE userid = ? LIMIT 1"
255 					: "UPDATE \"accounts\"  SET email=?, webPage=?, firstName=?, lastName=?, status=?, addr1=?, addr2=?, city=?, state=?, zip=?,country=?, phone=?, registerToken=?, lastAccess=? WHERE userid = ? LIMIT 1");
256 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
257 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
258 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
259 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
260 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
261 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
262 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
263 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
264 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
265 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
266 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
267 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
268 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.INTEGER));
269 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.TIMESTAMP));
270 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.INTEGER));
271 			compile();
272 		}
274 		/**
275 		 * Method to update an <code>Account</code>'s data.
276 		 * @param a The BSAccount to update
277 		 * @return the number of rows affected by the update
278 		 */
279 		protected int update(BSAccount a) {
280 			return this.update(new Object[] {
281 				a.getEmail(), a.getWebPage(), 
282 				a.getFirstName(), a.getLastName(), a.getStatus(), 
283 				a.getAddress1(), a.getAddress2(), 
284 				a.getCity(), a.getState(), a.getZip(), a.getCountry(), 
285 				a.getPhone(), new Integer(a.getRegisterToken()), null,
286 				a.getUserId()});
287 		}
288 	}
290 	/**
291 	 * <code>Account</code> Password Update Object.
292 	 */
293 	protected class AccountPasswordUpdate extends SqlUpdate {
295 		/**
296 		 * Create a new instance of AccountPasswordUpdate.
297 		 * @param ds the DataSource to use for the update
298 		 */
299 		protected AccountPasswordUpdate(DataSource ds) {
300 			super(ds, (dbType == DbType.MySQL)
301 					? "UPDATE accounts SET password=PASSWORD(?),  lastAccess=? WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1"
302 					: "UPDATE \"accounts\"  SET password=?, lastAccess=? WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1");
303 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.CHAR));
304 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.TIMESTAMP));
305 			declareParameter(new SqlParameter(Types.VARCHAR));
306 			compile();
307 		}
309 		/**
310 		 * Method to update an <code>Account</code>'s password.
311 		 * @param username to update
312 		 * @param password The password to update
313 		 * @return the number of rows affected by the update
314 		 */
315 		public int update(String username, String password ) {
316 			return this.update(new Object[] {
317 				password, null,
318 				username});
319 		}
320 	}
321 	protected class AccountCount extends SqlFunction<Object> {
322 		AccountCount(DataSource ds) {
323 			super(ds, "SELECT COUNT(*) from accounts");
324 			compile();
325 		}		
326 	}
328 	/** unused in jdbc implementation
329 	 * @see com.buckosoft.BSAccountMan.db.AccountDao#resetTable()
330 	 */
331 	public void resetTable() {}
333 }