

WebCalendar's functions to retrieve Predefined Variables

See for a complete description and examples

  • author: Craig Knudsen <>
  • version: $Id$
  • copyright: Craig Knudsen, <>,
  • license: GNU GPL
getGetValue (line 52)

Gets the value resulting from an HTTP GET method.

Since this function is used in more than one place, with different names, let's make it a separate 'include' file on it's own.

Note: The return value will be affected by the value of magic_quotes_gpc in the php.ini file.

If you need to enforce a specific input format (such as numeric input), then use the () function.

string getGetValue (string $name)
  • string $name: Name used in the HTML form or found in the URL
getIntValue (line 121)

Gets an integer value resulting from an HTTP GET or HTTP POST method.

Note: The return value will be affected by the value of magic_quotes_gpc in the php.ini file.

  • return: The value used in the HTML form (or URL)
  • uses: getValue()
string getIntValue (string $name, [bool $fatal = false])
  • string $name: Name used in the HTML form or found in the URL
  • bool $fatal: Is it considered a fatal error requiring execution to stop if the value retrieved does not match the format regular expression?
getPostValue (line 25)

Gets the value resulting from an HTTP POST method.

Note: The return value will be affected by the value of magic_quotes_gpc in the php.ini file.

string getPostValue (string $name)
  • string $name: Name used in the HTML form
getValue (line 84)

Gets the value resulting from either HTTP GET method or HTTP POST method.

Note: The return value will be affected by the value of magic_quotes_gpc in the php.ini file.

Note: If you need to get an integer value, you can use the getIntValue function.

string getValue (string $name, [string $format = ''], [bool $fatal = false])
  • string $name: Name used in the HTML form or found in the URL
  • string $format: A regular expression format that the input must match. If the input does not match, an empty string is returned and a warning is sent to the browser. If The $fatal parameter is true, then execution will also stop when the input does not match the format.
  • bool $fatal: Is it considered a fatal error requiring execution to stop if the value retrieved does not match the format regular expression?

Documentation generated on Thu, 10 Jun 2010 17:08:26 -0400 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3