XPilot5 - Original Charter

September 9, 2001
Current version: XPilot5.0.0

Bucko and Daedlaes have been working on porting xpilot to C++ and the fltk toolkit.

Daedlaes wanted to write one map editor that ran on both Unix and Windows. Thus, fltk, which is in C++. (current xpilot has two completely separate map editors that must be maintained).

Bucko wanted to work on robots. There are two aspects of robots to change. One, define a (design wise) progressively intelligent robot, so that better robot manuevering routines can override existing simpler routines. (good job for C++). Two, robots could have a base class defined such they can be plugged in to either the server (as is the current practice) or built into the client; so you can send a robot off to do battle and watch it. Minimally this is nice for constructing robots.


May 2004:
So the robot thing still hasn't happened yet. It's close to being started. I guess it has been started since i have refactored the network layer to give me nice client/server components that connect XPilot programs together using the udp/reliable udp protocol.

Jarrod did do the integrated XPMapEditor and XPShipEditor.

The C++ port of XPilot
XPilot is a cool network based game

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This page created September 9, 2001. Last touched Sunday September 25, 2016 02:03 EDT