Change Log Report

Total number of changed sets: 1

Changes between 2017-07-30 and 2017-08-30

Total commits: 5
Total number of files changed: 5

Timestamp Author Details
2017-08-29 01:25:18 Dick Balaska <> pom.xml v 90eebfe39dead3509173003afb94fb19f4c67a7c

Version 2.3
2017-08-29 01:25:11 Dick Balaska <> src/main/java/com/buckosoft/BSAccount/db/ v 018e2c4269a83b470d55edfbead62b567196e5b8

Run the timer thread as a daemon thread. It was supposed to help with "not killed threads" when exiting tomcat, but it doesn't.
2017-08-29 01:24:19 Dick Balaska <> src/main/java/com/buckosoft/BSAccount/domain/ v f5fdc47b62b36adba08afec85d89f203b95d62c9

user becomes bsuser to identify it as us. (User is too generic and given to the app)
2017-08-29 01:23:34 Dick Balaska <> src/main/java/com/buckosoft/BSAccount/web/ v efb14198343f62ccfff2571f8163552de02edc3e

Invalidate the session when the user logs out (so he if logs in he gets a fresh session, not a reuse of this one)
2017-08-29 01:22:39 Dick Balaska <> src/main/resources/bsaccount-web/js/bsaccount.js v ea4383881db8c9a3d4c700cc8b35dd15b85f80e0

If bsAccountLoginOk is defined, use that instead of the builtin callback